Most of us learn how to write (and diagram) sentences in grade school. But we sure as scuttlebutt don’t have a book. Superprof India Learn Teach Wednesday Student Teachers WOTD WordOfTheDay. The birds scattered at the sound of the gun. Without it, we may have a poem, a song, a movie, a painting, an interpretative dance. Challenge students to research the etym ology, or origin, of the follow ing term s: Ack Ack, chow, flak, heavies, Jerries, scuttlebutt. Form a sentence with this word and drop it in the comments below. The police scattered the disorderly crowd. Plans for scattered public housing outside the ghetto were quietly scuttled. And then there are regulatory issues that could scuttle any deal. Posting Schedule Mon - Shower Thoughts Tue - Miscellaneous Wed. scuttled in a sentence - Use scuttled in a sentence and its meaning 1. Find out which character you are Buzzfeed link in bio.

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There were several brightly coloured rugs scattered around. True using scuttlebutt in a sentence Dm for partnership, beta reader, critique partner, etc. Scattered - occurring or distributed over widely spaced and irregular intervals in time or space "scattered showers" "scattered villages" distributed - spread out or scattered about or divided up incoherent - without logical or meaningful connection "a turgid incoherent presentation" What is the sentence for scattered? Familiarity information: SCATTERED used as an adjective is rare. occurring or distributed over widely spaced and irregular intervals in time or space. 52 examples to use Scuba Diver in a sentence: Something that might happen while becoming a scuba diver is certification. Used especially of radiation or particles. I secured the medicine-chest-which luckily happened to be a fairly big one for a vessel of the brigs size-and carried it forward to the fore-scuttle, where one. Not thinking clearly or in an organized fashion unfocused.Show More Sentences But if the Memjet technology is as good as the scuttlebutt suggests, it could easily be licensed to market heavyweights like Dell, Panasonic or Samsung. Loosely distributed strewn: scattered grains of rice that lay on the sidewalk. The scuttlebutt in baseball-world is that Alomar was penalized for a year because of the infamous incident, in 1996, when he spit in the face of an umpire, John Hirschbeck.Frequently Asked Questions What does the name scattered mean?